Hello everyone, I'm Jordanka and welcome to my page. I am a freelance aritst who is dipping her toe into the world of front-end developing. I graduated from Columbia College of Chicago in 2016 with a BA in Fine Arts and minored as a Teaching Artist. To be honest with you, I didn't want nothing to do with the computer world. But, as time went on I found myself wanting a new challenge. So I decided to learn Front-End Developing, and I'm glad I did. I realized I could incorporate my artistic background and utilize my more analytical side in this new found career. I believe your webpage should be a reflection of you. For instance, on my website you see variations of pink, the reason for that is I LOVE the color pink. I can be bubbly and a straight-shooter. However, when ever I'm not learning about or making awebpages I still go back to making traditional drawings, digital, or sculpting. Making art is my passion. So, if you're not bored yet, and want to learn a little bit more about me or my artwork, you can either click on my Instagram or Linkedin link down below. If you want to collaborate on buidling you a webpage, just head over to the Contact Me page and let's make your dream website happen.